Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A crossroad with two choices

To witness and hear that side that stood behind Obama’s predecessor, accuse him of faking his birth certificate along with painting him as an imperialist, is like watching a dragon with sharp claws spewing out slimy venom. For those of you that are confused and concern about the ‘health care debate’ moving too fast, try to see the broader picture; A lot of loose ends should be sewed-up as we move forward to a nonstop progressive future. In my opinion, many influential critics of the Obama administration are from that world of darkness that believes in attacking just to be on the attack; they simply want the Obama administration to fail. Like many, I look at these critics as dark forces. They will not be able to stop the passing of a ‘health care bill’ and the path toward a ‘greener future.’ As a nation with unlimited talent, we cannot afford to lag behind and drag out feet; with compassion, we must walk into the future and pass on to future generations the many possibilities that will sustain not only our nation, but the world. At this moment in America, we have come upon a crossroad with two choices: We can fall prey to those inward-thinking, can’t-do, Bush worshiping doomsayers; or, we can become an army of helpers to join in with progressive thinkers.


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