Monday, January 14, 2008

A fresh start in a new chapter

With all do respect, the letter to the editor on 1/14/08“America too fragile for a rookie in charge” was a bit of a stretch comparing Barack Obama with George Bush. Like Nicole Warren, the writer, I have a favorable Opinion of Hillary Clinton; however, it disappoints me to know that she was among the ones that cast a vote for George Bush to invade Iraq. She and others let down all those innocent people, Iraqis and Americans, that are dead, maimed or mentally challenged. Because America’s image is in such a slump and the dismal forecast of the economy, I, like many others, would like this country to have a fresh start in a new chapter. Both JFK and MLK Jr. were profound thinkers with writing skills along with being unique orators; they both worked on a new chapter to steer America in a better place; like many, I feel Obama’s skills are certainly reminiscent of the two.


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