Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Looking for a leader among the republicans

The moment is ripe for a courageous republican to break rank and call on the president to be impeached. This type of stand would be compared to the stand taken in the 1954 movie, “The Caine Mutiny.” The captain on that ship, like the commander and chief of the US, showed signs of being detached. Reality on that ship was being questioned, like the reality now in the US. Imagine an arsonist standing in the woods all alone with a box of matches in his hands contemplating setting the woods on fire. The moment the match is lit, many of the trees, animals and plants will forever be changed. The attack on Iraq was like that moment the match was lit. One moment charged the adrenaline of an arsonist by watching the fire, and maybe that same type of moment charged the adrenaline of a leader in the thought of expanding on a legacy. The delusions in both moments set off havoc. Imagine the family of the arsonist deciding not to buy the story that the killer bear was the reason the fire was set. Imagine this family turning their own son in to the authorities. It is time for the party in power to stand up to the plate and edify the country in the eyes of the world by demanding accountability from a member of their own. The country and the world awaits on that courageous republican to lead in bringing reality back to a party lost in an illusion.


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