Monday, October 31, 2005

There is hope

Here we go again folks; another agenda driven presidency in the world. This one is not asking for regime change; he is asking for the total destruction of Israel. I don’t believe either one has an understanding of the phrase, ”Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” Lets hope the UN will regain its footing after the probe of Iraqi oil-for-food program. Someone once said, “A divided house will fall.” With the world in such turmoil, along with agenda driven leaders turning up the volume on violence, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald offers a glimmer of hope that sanity is finding its way back in a nation that lost it. Lets hope Scooter’s lies has a trail that will make the Bush administration accountable. Like Rosa Park, many of us are saying; enough, enough, enough. Like his counter part in Iran, extremism has gripped his party so tightly that he decided to ignore the middle and go all the way to the right with his supreme court nominee.


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