Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A President's arrogance

In response to the letter written 9/27/05 with the title, "On WMDs, enough 'lies' to go around," let me impress upon Mr. Richard Brady with all due respect, solidarity is crucial when a country is in imminent danger of being attack. I believe the Senators and the former President Mr. Brady named and quoted in his letter wanted support from the major players of the UN. George Bush had his finger on the trigger and it did not matter whether Mr. Blix, the weapon inspector at that time or the former weapon inspector, Mr. Ritter, said about WMD not being in Iraq. The UN was not anxious to pull the trigger. They listened to all sides. The former PresidentClinton, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Sen. John Kerry, and Sen. Hillary Clinton were all on the side for waiting for support from the UN. They were not anxious to pull the trigger with George Bush. I ask Mr. Brady not to confuse a President's arrogance with support to strenghten a President's hand. The President had his finger on the trigger and he wanted the glory. It was clear when he stood on that air craft carrier with the sign behind him "Mission Accomplished" that he thought at that time he had gotten the glory he wanted.


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